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Leadership Development at Conuma Resources

We are now well underway with our Leadership Development program at Conuma. We will be training and developing over 150 leaders in the business, from operational lead hands to our most senior executives, and the program will take us well into 2023. We launched the third tier, our manager group, over the last ten days and this is already proving to be a winner with excellent contributions and great positive energy coming from the sessions.

When we were first designing and committing to this broad-reaching program, we had the feeling that it would be transformational for our business. And, just a few months in, we are already seeing powerful change. We can’t wait for the various programs to take their full effect, because the leadership skills, drive and creativity that we see evolving is going to take our business performance to a whole new level. Thank you so much to the participants, the team from Flip Learning and our internal team in HR for making this happen. #conumastrong #oneconuma

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