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Five-Bullet Monday - July 26th


Here is your Five-Bullet Monday for this week

Two quotes I am pondering:

'If your habits don't line up with your dream, then you need to change either your habits or your dream." - John Maxwell

"Your net worth in the world is usually determined by what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from your good habits." - Benjamin Franklin

Returning to the theme of habits, these are two great quotes that show the little things done every day are what makes or breaks our future. As John Maxwell said, you have to build the proper habits to achieve your dreams.

A question I am asking myself:

If you knew you had only three years to live, what would you hope to achieve personally and professionally?

While this question might seem a little melancholy at first, it does raise the critical question of whether we are embarking on truly what we want to do. Or are we treading water for a few more years, for whatever reason, before we take those definitive steps? As someone said, I want to die with many memories, not lots of plans. I am determined to make many great memories in the next three years, and then the three after that and so on. #NoHoldingBackNow

A book I am reading:

Unscripted: The Great Rat Race Escape - MJ DeMarco

This book is one of the best, if not the best book, I have listened to on start-your-own-business entrepreneurship. It is a cleverly woven fictional story of a married couple, Jeff and Samantha, starting their business from scratch, combined with step-by-step advice from MJ DeMarco on the principles to employ at each stage of the entrepreneurial journey. I decided to get the Kindle version (only $5 extra, which was a pretty good deal) to take detailed notes from the book. In the end, I captured over 50 different pages of business principles from the book, and I intend to put them to good use.

My favourite podcast this week:

The Model Health Show; Episode 494: Activate the Youth Within your Cells with Naomi Whittel

This episode was my first time listening to Shawn Stevenson's podcast, and I have already added his show to my favourites. Cellular biology and activation is a new and promising realm of medical science, and this podcast provides a glimpse into that world, as well as some unusual ways of retaining and restoring youthfulness to our bodies. It is well worth a listen.

My highlight from the prior week

Starting voice training with Roger Love

A few weeks ago, I signed up for Roger Love's online voice training program, and this week I went all out on getting through his course. Roger Love is a renowned voice coach, having worked with Tony Robbins, Reeth Witherspoon and Jeff Bridges. In the course, he breaks down the way we speak into simple easy-to-work-on elements, like tone, pitch, melody, speed and volume. It's a great course, and I have been trying out some of the voice techniques on unsuspecting people this week during conference calls. The best variation is melody, where I try an octave change in the same sentence with hilarious results. No one seems to have noticed, or maybe they are too polite to say I'm off my rocker, but the experiment has made conference calls a lot more fun.

My challenge to you for this week

Learn something new

Why don't you give it a try this week? What have you thought might be interesting to learn, experiment or try out? That might be learning a new language, taking salsa dancing lessons, or signing up for an online course. It doesn't matter how out-there it might seem; you should go for it! On my to-learn list is drawing (I once lost 12 Pictionary rounds in a row, so I am somewhat handicapped in that regard), and I am going to learn to ice skate (I grew up in Zimbabwe, which had only one ice rink for the entire country and that soon broke down never to be fixed!).

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