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Seven-Bullet Monday - October 3, 2022

Can you believe it? We are already into the last three months of 2022!

Here is your first Seven-Bullet Monday of October 😊

1. A quote I am pondering:

"One of the major differences between successful and unsuccessful people is that the former look for problems to resolve, whereas the latter make every attempt to avoid them." ― Grant Cardone

Avoiding problems is a recipe for stagnation and decline. We will grow and move forward if we identify the problem and tackle it head-on. More often than not, we are also charting a way for others to follow.

2. A question I am asking myself:

Is this good for my brain?

I hadn't thought of this question until recently, but it is thought-provoking. Is the food I'm eating, the sport or show I'm watching, the sleep I'm getting, the words I'm using, etc.? Are these all good for my brain? If not, why not, and what could I be doing instead?

3. A book I am reading:

Be Your Future Self Now: The Science of Intentional Transformation – Dr Benjamin Hardy

Dr Hardy is one of my favourite authors, with his previous two books, Who, Not How, and The Gap and Gain both having a big impact on me. This book was so good I listened to it twice. In it, I learned that, instead of simply being the sum of my past experiences, I should imagine the person I want to be in the future and then be that person now. My future self is different from who it is today. So, if I can define that today and live it out, I can help it soon become a reality.

4. My favourite podcast this week:

Zero: How to crisis-proof climate action with Bryony Worthington

The UK's Climate Change Act was one of the first in the world to be passed in 2008, and it became the benchmark for other nations to follow. Bryony Worthington was one of the Act's authors. In the podcast, she provides several insights on the need for balanced legislative powers needed to move nations to progressively lower carbon emissions.

5. Hugh-Tips

Look for resilient businesses that can survive economic downturns and recession

Warren Buffet famously said, "You don't find out who's been swimming naked until the tide goes out." This quote is accurate for investors and businesses. Downturns and recessions are the economies' way of cleaning out weak and dodgy businesses and leaving the strong and deserved businesses to live for another day. With this in mind, it helps to consider the resiliency of the businesses you invest in. Will their products or services still be sought after and paid for at full price when people and companies have less money in their pockets? What is the balance sheet strength of the business – i.e. how much cash or, conversely, debt do they have to survive a recession?

6. The most moving thing last week

Honouring the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation

We recognise September 30th as the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation in Canada. It is also known as Orange Shirt day. I had not until this year fully appreciated what the Canadian Government residential school system had done to more than 150,000 indigenous children over a century and a half and ended only as recently as 1998. These children were forcibly removed from their families to attend these schools, suffering neglect, malnutrition, physical, mental and sexual abuse, and many thousands dying before ever getting the chance to return home. When we picture this happening to our children or us, the horror of the system strikes home. While we are not responsible for the atrocities, we are still responsible for taking concrete reconciliation actions.

On Thursday, I was privileged to attend drumming, prayer and dancing by members of the Saulteau First Nation to honour the day at our Willow Creek Mine. It was a very moving time, with emotions ranging from great sadness to reconciliation and joy. There were many beautiful things to come from the time together, most of all the mutual respect and appreciation that flowed between the Conuma attendees and the Saulteau First Nation team.

7. My challenge to you for this week

Start behaving like the person you want to be

Feeling stirred by Benjamin Hardy's book, I want to challenge you to join me in behaving like our future selves this week. Think about your goals, whether in relationships, leadership, business growth, or nutrition and exercise and start speaking and acting like you are already there. As Hardy said so well in his book, "Your future should be a predictor of who you are today, not the past."

Have a wonderful week

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