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Seven-Bullet Monday - March 14, 2022

Here is your Seven-Bullet Monday

1. A quote I am pondering:

"Be relentlessly helpful" – John Espirian

The shortest quote yet, but it is still very meaningful. The ability to always be helpful will build your reputation in the best possible way.

2. A question I am asking myself:

"How do I learn more patience and not want everything here and now?"

Those that know me will confirm my immense patience – NOT! So, this question is as hard for me as anyone out there. Sometimes I need to let the good things come to me rather than anxiously chasing them down and wearing myself out in the process.

3. A book I am reading:

I Can See Clearly Now – Dr Wayne Dyer

A friend recommended Wayne Dyer to me and, having just finished this book, I can see why. He wrote over 40 books in his lifetime, and "I Can See Clearly Now" is an autobiography of his journey through life and how he came to write many of his best-known books. His journey from being a self-help guru to his various spiritual awakenings won't be everyone's cup of tea, but I did learn a lot from his book and the journey therein contained.

4. My favourite podcast this week:

The Great Speech Podcast – Ep 26: Using LinkedIn to build your personal brand – interview with John Espirian

I have listened to several podcasts on using LinkedIn better to raise your profile, but this has honestly been the best one. John Espirian gives some excellent simple tips on how to extend your coverage and influence circles, and his motto in life, as my quote says above, is to be relentlessly helpful.

5. Hugh-Tips

Think about ways to accelerate your mortgage paydown.

Owning your home debt-free is one of the nicest feelings in the world. Many people don't think enough about finding ways to pay down their mortgages early, either because they like to use the money for other things or because they think the low mortgage interest rates are a bargain. Paying off your house five or ten years before retirement increases your flexibility and allows you to put that monthly mortgage payment to work in investing. Yes, interest rates are below inflation right now, but that will change, and, let's face it, the money that we could use to accelerate mortgage pay downs, like bonuses, often goes on non-appreciating spending instead. Also, if you live in Canada, and don't already do so, consider moving your mortgage payments from twice-monthly to bi-weekly. This results in two extra mortgage payments a year and, by itself, can knock off a couple of years off your final mortgage paydown.

6. My highlight this last week

Celebrating International Women's Day on March 8 and profiling six amazing women in our business

Last week was a special one for Conuma Resources in our journey to increasing our diversity, equity and inclusion. When we did our first IWD planning a month ago, we didn't realize how significant the impact would be from the messaging and profiling! Our small internal HR team on the project did an incredible job of getting the IWD infrograms designed, printed, and out to our operations and creating and expertly publishing the profiles over last week.

7. My challenge to you for this week

Be more rather than do more

I heard this statement on a podcast this week, and it struck a chord in me. We always have so much on our plates and get caught up in the doing rather than simply being. I am not suggesting you take on mystic poses in the office 😊, but just stopping every now then, taking a short walk, or a few deep breaths and contemplating a little can help us stay emotionally centred and be less caught up in all the hype around us.

Have a great week

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